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Sunday, 27 November 2011

Video sign off!

Today we got the news we'd all been waiting for!


Although there is still work to be done on our blogs, website and album cover, it is still so thrilling to see our music video in its completed form.

The editing process has been so smooth. With three members of a group, any issue could be resolved with a simple 'majority rule.' This meant that all decisions were well split between us and we all managed to pitch in an equal amount. It has been so much fun working on this video and I'm extremely excited to get feedback on what people think.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Our Final Shoot!

Last night was our final shoot- the UV section of our performance.
As we knew this is going to be the best bit of our video we totally went for it. We had Olivia Murphy, an art student at Latymer, who came and covered us in the paint. We are so grateful for her help and we think the finished stuff looks really awesome.

We put different symbols on all of us. As the lead singer I had the bands logo on my chest. George had a very impressive tree travelling across him and Robbie had some of the runes on his face.

This is it. No more shooting. In many ways it's sad but at the same time, I'm highly excited to finally get a look at the finished result!

Friday, 11 November 2011

Final 2 narrative shoots

We spent the last two days shooting the final sections of our narrative.

Wednesday was a day of inspiration; we simply grabbed a camera, got in to costume and wondered around Edmonton looking for locations which would make for cool shots. The area around school is quite grungy looking; a large estate provided some great locations for us to use. Once again, we used our tried and true method of blocking it out, then shooting every possible angle repeatedly until we were totally satisfied! I'm really getting in to this role now; high levels of emotion are constantly required and being very scared at a creepy looking Eva is now becoming part of my daily routine!

It was very easy to put this together, filming this was very casual and because of how relaxed we can all be together now.

Thursday was a much more structured shoot; we had a full storyboard as this was the climactic fight scene in our video and so needed to be safely choreographed. It went really well; the location was near Robbie's house and looked great.

Filming like this was quick and effective, however a few of the shots we got had a tripod in the background. This means that in post there will be less shots to choose in editing.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Performance shoot reflections

Our first performance shoot, though we have some footage that we can use from it, the footage was all over exposed due to our inexperience with lighting. Here is a video demonstrating this effect:

We managed to get most, if not all of the shots we wanted. We didn't have much of a timetable but we did have a shot list which we followed as well as we possibly could. The shots we did get are beautiful, they are all usable, but naturally we will only use the best shots we have. 

From a performer's perspective it was quite difficult to get into the flow of things. I had to shout, play guitar, while remembering lyrics and dancing around. I felt like a bit of a fool at first but after a while it felt like we were all getting into it. I feel like I messed up a few takes, however in editing things like that can be taken care of.

Editing this with the footage we already have will be very exciting, it will really give us a feel of how well the video will come together. I'm really looking forward to this process.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011


We have decided, as a group, that it will be best to fully focus our efforts on making our group blog look it's best.

As such, my individual blog may be somewhat lacking in posts for the next few weeks. We decided that for every bit of paperwork and inspiration we may find, instead of posting it on our individual blogs (and then the other members having to replicate that), it would be better to post most stuff on the group blog and to share our work evenly between us. We are all really good friends and have no problem in splitting the work load between us; not one of us has done any more than the others so claiming work individually seems unnecessary and overly time consuming when we could maintain a constant, strong group portfolio on our group blog.

Find the link to our group blog on the right hand side with my other links.

I will post some reflections on shoots and other personal notes on here, and the posts will pick up again around the time of our evaluation in mid-December.